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Get Ready For Tech Field Day 19 !

Writer's picture: Yusuf Emre OzensoyYusuf Emre Ozensoy

Well, an other Tech Field Day 19 #TFD19 has gone. It was a great pleasure for me to be a part of this family again. The agenda was full with 3 day presenters Automation Anywhere, Druva, Ixia, NetApp and VMware. It was my first time for Automation Anywhere, Druva, Ixia.

Tech Field Day 19 has began with an funtastic welcome dinner. To be honest, the most enjoable part of the dinner was "Yankee Swap". For those who hasn't heard it before, it was gift swap and also a part of the dinner where every Tech Field Day participant has a gift from thier own homeland and switch the gifts at the end of the dinner. Before switching the gift, everyone tell a little bit about themselves and switch his/her gift with an other. After everyone finish introducing themselves , it is time to open the gifts, Although that was my second Tech Field Day I had seen spectacular gifts. By the way, I had also have a chance to listen the stories of the gifts also. I have talked with Stephen Foskett and Ben Gage again and Ken Nalbon for the first time.

We have also great IT proffesionals that are part of Tech Field Day 19 as participants who are my old friends like Adam Fisher and some new friends.

Tech Field Day 19 Agenda was like that;

Jun 26 - Ixia presentation (Where I have met Recep Ozdag, a Turkish IT Professional and VP of Ixia)

Jun 26 - NetApp presentation Jun 26 - On-premise Roundtable Podcast Moderator: Ken Nalbone This podcasts are done by 3 people where a topic is selected and discuss about the topic approximately 20 minutes. You should try to join the roundtable. This discussion is brodcasted live from Tech Field Day 19 video chanels like YouTube and vimeo Jun 27 - Automation Anywhere presentation Jun 27 - Druva presentation Jun 27 - On-premise Roundtable Podcast Moderator: Ken Nalbone Jun 28 - VMware presentation (Being in VMware campus was great.Each time I loved to have a campus tour and see the turtles)

For nowadays, workflow Automations are the popular topics for IT like cloud automations. IT Professionals start to think the capabilities and working hours and the quality of the work at the end of the day. When these come together, time and effiency are the key points which can be done easly with automations.

For those reasons, each presenter has its own unique topics that will be mentioned in my next articles.



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